Will my husband know who I voted for?

Whether you are a democrat, republican, or an independent, chances are that you can’t escape the hot bed of politics topics that will come up in conversation in your own home. As a woman with even the healthiest relationship, have you ever found yourself defending your political choice to a man in your life? Husbands, boyfriends, dads and uncles have so much influence over the women in their lives, especially if these women are relying on them for financial stability, emotional and social support.

So what do you do if the man in your life is telling you who to vote for AND you don’t agree with him? Sis, first know that this has happened to the best of us. Second, know that your vote is private, according to US federal law. The CEO and co-founder of Voting Without Fear and the Fresh Start Registry for divorced women, Olivia M.D. Howell explains more about this in a viral Tweet. No one can know who you have voted for unless your man is in the voting booth with you (which actually can happen in some states due to antiquated laws, yikes!) or watching you fill out your mail in ballot (matter fact, better… um… check your voting info by state).

Here’s what’s not private about the voting process: the political party you chose when you registered to vote. Also, if you donated to a campaign or a certain candidate, then, yeah, that is public and published online. There are some other things that are public, like the history of elections you have voted in. But all this depends on where you live, according to federal election law your choice of candidate is never and should never be made public.

So, hunni… let’s movebe best… and go vote! Unless you tell somebody who you voted for, the experts assure you no one will know.

    Picture of Markette Sheppard

    Markette Sheppard

    Markette Sheppard is an Emmy award-winning TV host, children's book author, marketing executive and founder of Glow Stream TV. Follow her online @markettesheppard and @glowstreamtv.

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