There’s nothing more majestic than visiting the White House, the People’s House! For new author, Giovanna McBride, that magical experience happened very early in her childhood.

In her new book, Gigi at the White House, McBride shares the beautiful story of how she formed a bond with former First Lady Laura Bush, thanks to a wonderful role model: her mother! Anita McBride worked side-by-side with Mrs. Bush for many years as her chief of staff during George H.W. Bush’s presidency and “Gigi” recounts the many times she got to visit her mother’s awe-inspiring place of work, including the time she got to have a sleepover at the White House and breakfast with the First Lady!

Watch the video below to hear more memories from Gigi’s new book in the Glow Stream TV author spotlight.

Giovanna’s new book, Gigi at the White House is available for purchase online at

Gigi and mom Anita McBride
A young Gigi (in lime green) is all smiles with her mother, Anita McBride, and others at the White House.
“Gigi at the White House” is now available at WHHA shops and online!

Special thanks and consideration provided to:
White House Historical Association

Picture of Markette Sheppard

Markette Sheppard

Markette Sheppard is an Emmy award-winning TV host, children's book author, marketing executive and founder of Glow Stream TV. Follow her online @markettesheppard and @glowstreamtv.

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