Holiday Gifting with B.Rich Beauty

Hey Beauty Besties! Today’s Makeup Monday is getting you ready for gifting this Holiday Season. Your Beauty Best friend will be bringing you my Holiday Gifting Guide for the season. I will be highlighting Beauty, Wellness, Lifestyle and more! Today we are discussing WELLNESS. The brand I’m currently obsessed with is Emirene which is the brainchild of Richie Skye . This brand offers high quality supplements and beauty products for all lifestyles and people on-the-go! Check them out below and gift yourself and others some WELLNESS this season!

I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Grab your favorite beverage, watch the tutorial above and enjoy!

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Get skincare basics from B. Rich Beauty:

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B. Rich Beauty

Brandon Richardson aka B.Rich Beauty has spent over a decade working in the beauty industry for a Global Brand. He has honed his craft working backstage during fashion weeks including New York and Milan. Worked on various award shows and has spent his time teaching the art of beauty to masses.

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