Makeup Monday: What’s in your bag with Sadie Jo.

What’s in your bag? This video takes a deep dive into the makeup arsenal of my “Beauty Judy,” Sadie Jo., and her must haves for her life on the go.

We discuss some of her favorite products and she shares why these items are HER must haves. Enjoy the makeup banter and grab your favorite drink to sip n’ see for this episode. Let me know your thoughts in the comments section below 🙂 .

Love you lots!!

BTW, follow me on my Instagram: @brich_beauty.

Watch and subscribe on YouTube to keep up with B.Rich Beauty and #MakeupMondays on Glow Stream TV! And let that soul glow!!!

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B. Rich Beauty

Brandon Richardson aka B.Rich Beauty has spent over a decade working in the beauty industry for a Global Brand. He has honed his craft working backstage during fashion weeks including New York and Milan. Worked on various award shows and has spent his time teaching the art of beauty to masses.

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