The Glow Girl’s Guide to… Being Honest With Yourself!

Honesty is something I think we can all agree is important. We want our significant others to be honest with us; we want our colleagues or bosses to exercise honesty when it comes to our jobs; and we even… most times… want our friends to be honest about their thoughts and feelings about us.

But when it comes to being honest with ourselves, why is it SO hard to get the strength to just keep it real?! We try to make excuses for why something happened, justify a situation, or just straight up don’t take responsibility because…it sometimes sucks to have to bite the bullet and quietly take a loss. Whether you’re struggling with being honest about where you’re at in your personal or professional life or tip-toeing on the lines of dishonest self-awareness, just know that we’ve all been there, and you CAN overcome!

  1. Get Rid of the Shame! – There’s no shame in telling YOURSELF the truth. The best part about being honest with yourself is that it’s personal…between you and no one else. Internally, you’re the only person who has to deal with said struggle, so you shouldn’t be ashamed of whatever you’re going through. Ok, you stayed in a relationship longer than you should have; you turned down a job offer in a new city because you were scared; or you are growing apart from a friend in which you have tons of history. Keep it real with yourself and move on. It’s ok to feel sad briefly, but don’t be ashamed. Once you get rid of the shame or stigma attached to whatever you’re having a hard time confronting, a weight will be lifted and you will be able to move past the fog to solve the issue.
  2. Understand That Dishonesty Will Prolong The Problem – Sure, you want to fix the problem, but fixing the problem means you have to acknowledge it first. I get it, it’s hard to admit when you’re not living up to your full potential, you’re feeling a certain way in your relationship or friendship, or you’re just unable to show up as your best self. The moment you acknowledge those faults, the easier it will be for you to not only solve the problem but also be willing to ask for help should it be necessary. You also can’t pick and choose what part of the story you want to be honest about…you have to be transparent with it all or not at all.
  3. You’re Also Hurting Others – By being dishonest with yourself, you’re also hurting others by preventing them from getting to know the real you. There’s nothing worse than your “representative” showing up to a situation that calls for full transparency and openness. Always keep in mind that you want to project the same type of energy you want to receive, so if you’re not being honest with yourself, don’t expect the same from others.
Picture of Steph Walters

Steph Walters

Steph Walters is a TV host and producer who can be seen sharing the latest lifestyle trends and entertainment news on morning TV in Virginia. A graduate of Hampton University, Steph also runs a production company with her husband Joseph, The Redelynn Group.

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