Hey GlowStream TV Fam! In this video, you will find some creative ways to use your crystals! Feel free to explore on your own, and see what works for you!

Abundance Infused Crystal Water! Surround your water pitcher or water bottle with your favorite abundant stones to infuse their essence and absorb that energy when you drink it! (Left–Citrine, Center–Pyrite, Right–Moonstone)

Have fun with your crystals! Place them on potpourri, or on written affirmations with more of the energy you want to attract, or need more of in your life! Flower Agate (center) is great for entrepreneurs and starting any new business! Rose quartz and pink amethyst (left and right corners) are awesome for self love and being kind to yourself and Rose Chalcedony (top and bottom) goddess energy, healing and bringing in good health!

These are a couple of my go-to gems!! Whether I meditate with them, sleep with them, or use them in my dance classes, they all bring me JOY! (L-R, Clear Quartz, Flint, Rose Quartz, Tigers Iron Slab).