Watch the replay of my Glow Girl Chat with Australian TV host, author and wellness expert Andi Lew. Follow me @markettesheppard and check more IGTV feed to glow up!

Andi is author of Instalovers and she’s also an advocate for living a healthy and organic lifestyle.

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Picture of Markette Sheppard

Markette Sheppard

Markette Sheppard is an Emmy award-winning TV host, children's book author, marketing executive and founder of Glow Stream TV. Follow her online @markettesheppard and @glowstreamtv.

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Screenshot Hollywoods Architect Filmmakers and Markette

Women Filmmakers Shine a Light on Hollywood’s Architect

It’s Women’s History Month! In a new episode of the podcast, “More to the Story with Markette Sheppard” hear from the women filmmakers behind the Emmy award-winning documentary, “Hollywood’s Architect: The Paul R. Williams Story.”

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