The Glow Girl’s Guide to feeling sexy… NOW!

After a week at home with a sick infant, a husband away on work travel and limited access to the outside world, I felt totally in a slump. Scrolling through Instagram on those days off, I saw so many things that exuded the traditional sex appeal that it had me yearning for just a piece of that role.

Women get so caught up in their everyday not-so-glamorous lives (or perceived glamorous lives) that it can be challenging to find ways to feel, act and portray anything remotely sexy. So it got me to thinking: how can I–and all my girls–feel sexy with limited time, a modest budget and without leaving the house? Easy!

I’ve got 5 tasks that can give you a boost of confidence and sprinkle some sexy dust on your entire life… even if just for the day.

  1. Shower Power 
    I know, sounds crazy simple but you’d be surprised how taking a hot shower with your favorite body gels and scrubs will boost your mood. Most of us are taking showers as a duty (i.e. before going to work, after a workout, etc.), but when’s the last time you took a shower strictly for relaxation? As the weather gets cooler, we may neglect shaving as frequently because our legs and arms may not be exposed, but a quick shave to have your legs feeling silky smooth will make you instantly feel sexier. Follow with your favorite lotions and body oils and wrap up in a warm robe to complete the experience.
  2. Pamper Yourself
    Don’t get me wrong, I love going to the spa to get pampered…it feels nice to be taken care of! But let’s face it…if you’re on a budget and not trying to spend hundreds of dollars a month on massages, facials, and nails, then it might be best to do it yourself. Even if you’re a spa regular, it’s incredibly relaxing to carve out time to try it at home yourself. Grab that new face mask/scrub you’ve been wanting to try, that cute nail polish color that’s perfect for fall, and those glam hair accessories that are all the rage, and pamper yourself. You’d be surprised how a little in-home spa day–on your own terms and timeline–can put sexiness back on your radar. Added bonus: try this at-home Facial Sauna for an enhanced experience…it’s one of my faves and super affordable!
  3. Pour Up
    Sometimes just sitting on the couch, or your favorite room/place, with your favorite drink gives you an instant sexy mood boost. Whether you’re pouring a glass of wine or champagne, hot herbal tea or spiced cider, or cucumber infused water or Kombucha, I challenge you to put it in your favorite glass and thoroughly enjoy every sip. Taking a moment to really think about and enjoy the flavors and how they make you feel is sure to give you a dusting of sexy right from the comfort of your own home. For an enhanced experience, turn on your favorite tunes and zone out!
  4. Pick Up A Book
    Look, knowledge is sexy and I know after I’ve read a super inspiring book, I feel damn good! One of my favorites is “Own Your Glow: A Soulful Guide to Luminous Living and Crowing the Queen Within” by Latham Thomas. Books that inspire you to do better, dream bigger, and focus more clearly are sure to make you feel sexy because they encourage you to literally follow your dreams to take over the world…and you can! What’s sexier than you being the boss of your own life?!
  5. Burn It Baby
    Exercise is a great way to feel sexy because not only does it get your heart rate pumping, but it also gets your body looking how you want. Don’t have a gym membership or dreading leaving the house? No problem: use what you’ve got at home! You can use wine bottles, milk cartons, or water bottles to do some curls; use your couch or a chair for arm presses; use a heavy book for some ab twists; and just use your own body weight for squats. Even a quick 10-15 minutes of physical activity will release those endorphins to boost your mood and bring out that sexy glow. 

Truth is, sexy goes far beyond the physical attributes that society regurgitates to us on a daily basis. Feeling sexy doesn’t have to break the bank nor does it have to be super unrealistic for YOUR lifestyle.

Everyone’s “sexy” looks different, and even if you don’t feel sexy everyday, I hope these tips will help boost your sexy meter up a few notches, even if only for the present moment.

So share with us your sexy truth: what are some things you do that make you feel sexy?

Picture of Steph Walters

Steph Walters

Steph Walters is a TV host and producer who can be seen sharing the latest lifestyle trends and entertainment news on morning TV in Virginia. A graduate of Hampton University, Steph also runs a production company with her husband Joseph, The Redelynn Group TRG.

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