Happy Lunar New Year, Cut Crease Style!

Hey Beauty Besties! Lunar New Year is February 1, 2022 and I am here to get you ferociously fierce for this new year. I’m using the new MAC Cosmetics I am using the new x9 eyeshadow palette with a mixture of formulas. And the Beauty Besties have spoken, there is a special surprise for lips in this video.

I am also bringing you the SPOON cut crease HACK from social media! Let me know what you think about the trend. Lastly, what do you think about the look?

I hope you enjoyed this cut crease tutorial as we kick start our 2022. Grab that beverage, watch the tutorial above and enjoy!

Don’t forget to subscribe, like and turn on those notification for the channel. Love ya lots!

Watch and subscribe on YouTube to keep up with B.Rich Beauty and #MakeupMondays on Glow Stream TV!

And don’t forget to follow @glowstreamtv on social media on Facebook and Instagram. Follow me on: @brich_beauty.

Picture of Brandon Richardson

Brandon Richardson

Hi Ya'll! I'm Brandon aka B.Rich Beauty aka your Beauty Bestfriend. I have had the pleasure of being in the beauty industry for 16 years. During this time, I have honed my craft and picked up a handful of tips and tricks. These beauty nuggets can be used whether you're on-the-go or trying to get your beauty on in your everyday life. Join me as we Sip N' See the latest in beauty together.

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