Glow Stream TV


Screenshot Hollywoods Architect Filmmakers and Markette

Women Filmmakers Shine a Light on Hollywood’s Architect

It’s Women’s History Month! In a new episode of the podcast, “More to the Story with Markette Sheppard” hear from the women filmmakers behind the Emmy award-winning documentary, “Hollywood’s Architect: The Paul R. Williams Story.”

Cynthia Erivo Wicked Jesus

Jesus Christ! Casting Controversy Over Cynthia Erivo’s New Role

A groundbreaking casting decision puts Wicked’s Cynthia Erivo in the spotlight as Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice’s L.A. production of Jesus Christ Superstar puts a Black bisexual woman at the gates of Heaven. Listen to this week’s podcast, “More to the Story with Markette Sheppard” for more details.

Sinners, Saints and Sister Act 3

Get ready for spine-tingling thrills as Ryan Coogler and Michael B. Jordan reunite for “Sinners,” a horror film exploring the dark past of twin brothers (both played by Jordan). While the movie world buzzes with this collaboration, “Sister Act 3” faces emotional…

Mission Impossible: The Final Reckoning with Tom Cruise as “Ethan Hunt”

Mission Impossible for the “Cruisees”

Get ready to listen to an all-new episode of our podcast featuring an adrenaline-pumping preview of “Mission Impossible: The Final Reckoning,” plus hear from listeners about what’s hot on TV right now.

wicked movie poster

WICKED: Spellbindingly Good

Here’s why WICKED the movie is every bit as epic as the musical, according to Glow movie critic Cheryl Grant, who also shares deets on a part 2 already in the works.

dwayne the rock johnson the red one event

RED ONE: Holiday Cheer & Chaos

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson stars as head of North Pole security in this festive flick and the fans are here for it! Find out why “Red One” has Santa “Ho, ho, ho-ing” all the way to the box office.

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