Glow Stream TV


xN Studio 10th anniversary thumbnail
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Small Biz Spotlight: xN Studio

Meet NASOZI KAKEMBO, founder of xN Studio, a unique African home decor shop she has grown from a single table at a Brooklyn open air market into a global brand.

Screenshot Hollywoods Architect Filmmakers and Markette
TV + Film

Women Filmmakers Shine a Light on Hollywood’s Architect

It’s Women’s History Month! In a new episode of the podcast, “More to the Story with Markette Sheppard” hear from the women filmmakers behind the Emmy award-winning documentary, “Hollywood’s Architect: The Paul R. Williams Story.”

Cynthia Erivo Wicked Jesus
TV + Film

Jesus Christ! Casting Controversy Over Cynthia Erivo’s New Role

A groundbreaking casting decision puts Wicked’s Cynthia Erivo in the spotlight as Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice’s L.A. production of Jesus Christ Superstar puts a Black bisexual woman at the gates of Heaven. Listen to this week’s podcast, “More to the Story with Markette Sheppard” for more details.

captain america brave new world
TV + Film

Captain America Flies to No. 1

Film review! Glow Stream TV’s movie critic Cheryl Grant says the stars were aligned to make ‘Captain America’ the No. 1 film in the USA, while Anthony Mackie (Sam Wilson) is making history
as the first…