What exactly are crystals? What are they used for? These beautiful juicy gems or rocks that many of us have admired for years can be an awesome aide to our daily lives. To begin, this is what crystals are in a nut shell: “They are an established batch of molecules or atoms,” according to Sciencing.com. They come in so many glorious formations and colors, and each of them have varying properties! I think it’s so cool how Mama Earth just shows off constantly!

or keep in your room or work space where you need an extra boost of love!
Rose quartz is a light pink stone that has properties of healing and soothing the heart chakra. Not only does it help to ease anger, but rose quartz also helps one come from a genuinely loving place of communication. It is the universal love stone and you can feel that energy when you pick it up. It’s one of the most essential stones, I believe, to have in your crystal kit.

Pyrite, a.k.a. Fools Gold is another favorite of mine—sparkly, gold, and rich! It is a fabulous stone for manifesting your dreams, protecting your energy, and setting boundaries. Write an intention or mantra that you love on a piece of paper, such as “I AM THRIVING!” Place your pyrite stone on top and watch it elevate you!

receiving hand and breathe, or place it next to your night stand for a peaceful night of rest.
Amethyst has a lush purple hue, it is sparkly, and is a great stone that immediately calms down the mind. It helps connect you to the Divine. Place a nice chunk under your pillow, or next to your bed stand to help ward off nightmares and have a peaceful nights rest.
And, as I promised in last week’s video, my Glow Stream TV Family will get the first look here with all things Perfectly Imperfect Christian (P.I.C.). Here’s the official trailer for P.I.C.
If you’re interested in supporting the P.I.C. process, click here.