Beautiful Baskets & Gorgeous Prints: How xN Studio Helps Artisans in the Pandemic

xN Studio Founder and Creative Director Nasozi Kakembo talks to Glow Stream TV about celebrating 10 years in business and the launch of the Mwanza Collection, which she designed 100% remotely due to the pandemic in collaboration with artisans in Mwanza, Tanzania. The artisans used centuries old hand-crafted techniques and the wonders of modern technology to deliver amazing results, including, beautiful basketry and vibrant batik designs.

The Mwanza Collection is now available to shop at:

Through the collection, one can appreciate xN Studio’s fresh take on historical mud cloth and wax print pieces, now incorporating the batik style.

As the artisans in Tanzania did not have access to economic stimulus programs such as many here in the U.S., they were able to benefit from the lifeline afforded by their work on the collection.

Follow the impactful adventures of this social entrepreneur on Instagram: @xnstudio_

Watch the inspiring story of how Kakembo started her business: Small Business Spotlight: xN Studio

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Abigail Jacquez is a recent graduate of the University of California, Berkeley with a degree in English.

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