Are you looking to boss up at work? Cheers to you if the answer is yes!

Watch this episode of The Glow Girl’s Guide to Life, an IGTV web series from Markette Sheppard, for tips on how, as a boss, you can lead productive teams from virtually anywhere!

Watch more Glow Girl Guides:

Picture of Markette Sheppard

Markette Sheppard

Markette Sheppard is an Emmy award-winning TV host, children's book author, marketing executive and founder of Glow Stream TV. Follow her online @markettesheppard and @glowstreamtv.

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coquito drink recipe Thumbnail

Glow Recipe: The Perfect Coquito

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the picturesque landscapes of Puerto Rico, our quest for the perfect coquito

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