The most Yelped beauty treatment of 2019 is…

What is the most popular beauty treatment in 2019 that people have been voraciously searching for online? Well, according to Yelp, you ladies (and some gents) are freakin’ out about your arms, tummy and booty flab, and you are looking at a cosmetic procedure known as Emsculpt as a way to burn fat and build muscle in those areas without the gym workout.

Here’s more on how it works from Dr. Nicole Hayre of Cosmetic Dermatology Center:

Emsculpt offers patients at Dr. Hayre’s practice in Northern Virginia a non-surgical way to lift and sculpt their problem areas in just a few 30-minute sessions.

For more beauty inspiration, follow Dr. Hayre on Instagram: @drnicolehayre.

To schedule an appointment, call Dr. Hayre at: 703-827-8600 or visit her website at

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Picture of Dr. Nicole Hayre

Dr. Nicole Hayre

Nicole Hayre, MD, is a board-certified Dermatologist who founded her office, the Cosmetic Dermatology Center, in 2003. Her passion for her field and her eye for detail have propelled her office to the forefront of Dermatology in Northern Virginia, earning it the title of “Best Dermatology Office” in Virginia Living for several years.

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