Tik Tok Kisses Trending Valentine’s Makeup

Hey Beauty Besties! Today’s Makeup Monday officially kicks off February aka Love Month. Today’s tutorial is bringing you a popular Tik Tok Makeup Trend and I am making it easy. I believe in self-love and what better way to show ourselves some love ❤️ than through kisses! So I am showing you how you can give yourself some kisses and make it FASHION hunny!

I hope you enjoy this tutorial. Grab your favorite beverage, watch the tutorial above and enjoy!

Don’t forget to subscribe, like and turn on those notification for the channel. Love ya lots!

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And don’t forget to follow @glowstreamtv on social media on Facebook and Instagram. Follow me on: @brich_beauty.

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B. Rich Beauty

Brandon Richardson aka B.Rich Beauty has spent over a decade working in the beauty industry for a Global Brand. He has honed his craft working backstage during fashion weeks including New York and Milan. Worked on various award shows and has spent his time teaching the art of beauty to masses.

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