The Glow Girl’s Guide to… Living in the Moment!

When I think about living in the moment, I often think about being so focused on the present that I’m not mentally concerned with anything else. Often times, we’re so distracted by trying to capture the current moment that we actually miss out on what’s going on.

As we’re still getting our balance together in this new era of uncertainty, let’s focus on really living in the moment. Below are some tips on how you can not miss one more!

  1. Put Your Phone Away
    This is the one I struggle with the most. We always think we need be be on call and available to and for everyone (ok, if you’re a doctor this is acceptable); however, in doing so, we’re missing some of the most important things that are happening around us.

    Have you ever been to a concert or an event and you notice everyone just recording the show vs. watching the show? Yup, that’s what I’m talking about. We’re so focused on capturing the moment that we miss what’s really happening in the moment.

    Whenever you have quality time (virtually or in person), try to commit to some no phone time where you can just enjoy being in the moment. Keep in mind that while capturing things are fun and great for the memory bank, it can also take away from the experience. Maybe set a time limit to use your phone, and if the usage doesn’t fall within a certain window, you can’t touch your phone!

  2. Don’t Worry About What Others Are Doing
    It can be a challenge to live in the present when you always see what other people are doing. Whether on social media, word of mouth, or just word on the street, it seems we always know each others’ business.

    Seeing and hearing what people are doing can deter us from living in the moment because we want to catch up or be close to what they’re doing. Keep in mind, everyone’s path is different, so while Sarah’s path looks very appealing, you don’t know what she had to endure to get there.

    Take some time daily to write down something you’re grateful for and put it in a jar. At the end of the year — or if you like things more instantly, the end of each month — empty the jar and read what you were grateful for in the past 30 days. This will create a greater sense of gratefulness for the present.
  3. Find a Form of Meditation and Relaxation
    Meditation and relaxation doesn’t always look like sitting in a salt room or doing yoga. Sometimes it’s about just sitting in your bathroom for a few minutes and praying.

    Being able to fully disconnect and connect to a higher power will allow you to focus on yourself and force you to be present in the current moment. In order to connect, you have to be present. No matter what you believe in, it’s great to find a space to just be and meditate on words, thoughts, and feelings.

    When I say relax, you may automatically think a full blow spa day, but if you can find just 30 minutes to go for a walk or 20 minutes of just alone time, you’re already there. Relaxation doesn’t have to look like the images that we’ve been shown…make your own template and let others follow your lead!

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Steph Walters

Steph Walters is a TV host and producer who can be seen sharing the latest lifestyle trends and entertainment news on morning TV in Virginia. A graduate of Hampton University, Steph also runs a production company with her husband Joseph, The Redelynn Group.

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