Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. ~Proverbs 19:21

If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans. Have you ever made plans that fell through or found yourself in a situation you didn’t plan for? How much time did you waste worrying (for nothing)? If you’re anything like me, you probably also spent an absurd amount of time mentally beating yourself up because your “follow-through game” was weak. The good news is that we can’t blow God’s plan for our lives because we’re not that powerful, babe.

We carry burdens that aren’t ours to carry; we get tired of waiting on the universe, God, and every other thing we have absolutely no control over and try to do something in our own strength only to have them blow up in our faces. Why do we do these things? Because we’re human. I’ve gotten so caught up in making plans and figuring out every detail, only to end up discouraged when I didn’t see them come to fruition. This happens often, and it’s usually because I took Him out of the equation; He wasn’t moving fast enough or according to my ideal time schedule.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ~Jeremiah 29:11

Pull up a chair, let’s talk about my most recent failed plans! Pay attention because there might be another post dedicated to some of my failed plans in the foreseeable future. I haven’t written a blog in two weeks, and it wasn’t due to a lack of ideas (I had a surplus of those). Thanksgiving was on its way, and I planned on using the time I had off from school to get ahead on everything, including my Glow Stream TV work. I write from the heart; whatever He lays on it is the topic of choice. I had it all planned out, but I had nothing when it came time to produce. The content was in my head but not in my heart, so I waited for confirmation, and it came. I needed that confirmation confirmed, and it showed up as well. Of course, I needed to have that confirmed too. It got to the point where I thought I might’ve been self-sabotaging myself when in all actuality, it was that I wasn’t hearing what I wanted to hear, so I refused to listen.

I’ve heard that if you’re having a hard time hearing God, try doing the last thing He asked you to do (write that down because it’s true). Three weeks ago, God laid it on my heart to make a vision board and share the process/experience with ya’ll. I didn’t feel/want to do it, so I didn’t; he knew what type of a load I was carrying, surely I was misinterpreting something (hence needing all the extra confirmation). If I would’ve initially aligned my plans with His, the post would’ve gone up Thanksgiving week. Do yourself a favor and tell Him your plans.

Jesus replied, “You don’t understand now what I am doing, but someday you will.” ~John‬ ‭13:7‬

Even if you’re not trying to entertain Him, tell Him your plans. Do you have any idea how many headaches we would save ourselves if we made sure our plans aligned with His prior to their execution? You might even save yourself some time. Next time you make plans try running it by Him first; it might make life a little sweeter. Unless you’re hard-headed like me, then, by all means, don’t tell Him anything; try to do it all in your own strength and see how that works out for you. Stop by next week; I’m not sure what the topic of discussion will be, but I can promise you it’ll be straight from the heart.

With Love,

💋NR (follow me on Facebook & Instagram)

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Waiting For The Storm To Pass

In The Market Or On It?

Choose Your Team Wisely

Without Vision

Picture of Norma Ramirez

Norma Ramirez

Norma Ramirez is a marketing and media relations assistant at Glow Stream TV.

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