“Where we have no vision, we lose our direction, our motivation, our joy, our passion, our energy, our creatvity, and our commitment.”

Excerpt from: “The Richest Man Who Ever Lived” by Steven K. Scott

Hey babe I’m glad to see you came back. Let’s talk vision and facing our fears. What’s blocking your vision? Can it be easily removed? The key is to be honest with yourself and envision the type of life you intend to live, the person you want to become, the following you’re trying to grow, the sales goals you want to reach, and start showing up with a clear and concise plan. Easy peasy, not a problem right? NOPE! What if you’re fighting a mental battle?

Battle Ready

Through social media I was blessed with this fantastic job; I was introduced to the AMC apes through social media/digital platforms, and it is through digital platforms that we will get to watch Glow Stream TV grow and wait for AMC to squeeze.

I’ve decided to start randomly hiding the AMC logo in some of our content (Glow Stream TV). But why AMC? Long story short, because I believe in them with the same type of conviction that I believe in Glow Stream TV. Our content is excellent, and so is our leadership, just like Adam Aron and AMC. We root for the underdogs/the little guys, the apes do the same thing, so why not AMC.

Talk to Me I Talk Back

Me to Me: OK, sister, it’s time to get it together. It would be hypocritical of you to not practice what you preach.

Also Me to Me: I mean, really? You strive to inspire others to better themselves, to go for the gold. Remember, “No matter what #HODL, fear is not a factor, to do it scared? Meanwhile, you’re not going for it due to the same exact reasons.

Without a vision, the peolpe perish. Proverbs 28:19

To see a vision come to life is magical (in my opinion). I love hearing stories about companies that began with a vision drawn on a napkin. I want to witness my vision come to fruition, a creative effort from start to finish. The struggle is real though, and I struggle through, fear of failure held me back. I had to bring myself back down to Earth and come to the realization that I’m not perfect and I’m not gonna do things perfectly the only thing perfect about me is the image that I was created in, and it’s His.

Stepping down off of my pedestal and allowing myself to feel anything at all is a true testament to God’s greatness in itself uncomfortable. Had to just do it! I had to wholeheartedly go for it. I laid out my vision and took a leap of faith, and started planning the schematics of it all who and what and where and what time, unlike many of my hair-brained ideas; trust me, I’ve had a ton of them; I was very diligent in the planning and execution of this idea. While constantly reminding myself that “they’re just social media posts, and they can be taken down” (fear of failure right there, folks).

Hope defferred makes the heart sick: but desire fullfilled is a tree of life. Provebs 13:12

I can honestly say that there aren’t too many things that scare me; my mother would beg to differ though, she’d say that one of my problems has always been my lack of fear. She’s wrong though, the fear of failure and imperfection have been my downfall more times than I care to recall. It took me a long time to realize this, so if you’re struggling with the same thing, hang in there honey; remember that in order to “glow we have to grow first,” and that will be uncomfortable.

Let’s face it, putting ourselves out there is a scary thought; however, the idea of not putting ourselves out there should scare us even more. So YOLO, if I fail, at least I know I tried my best. I urge you to do it scared and follow your vision.

You see, the thing about being “a creative” that I’ve come to learn over the last few weeks is that when my creativity is nurtured correctly it just keeps on growing when I keep that spiritual connection with my creator open, it keeps on growing. We either use it or lose it. My nanny (who happens to be one of the most creative people I know) gave me some pearls of wisdom, and I’m passing them down to you; when you’re lacking creativity, turn to the original creator (IKR? Smart lady).

Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22

As I mentioned before, I love my job! I want to see Glow Stream Tv grow and flourish; there is something special about this company, and I want to see them flourish & grow. I believe in the company and its leadership, so naturally, I will “go to bat” for our company. God blessed me with the gift of creativity, so instead of squandering my talents, I’m here to give them away, like He intended me to. So I’m here to contribute, advocate, and create for Him & for Glow.

We produce magnificent positive, uplifting content; across various platforms. If you happen to know me personally, you know that I do not; put my name behind anything or anyone that I don’t believe in or know anything about. So what’s this all for? It’s because I want to see Glow Stream Tv “GLOW-UP,” that’s why!

From Vision To Action

So I went for it, I did it “scared” she loved it and suggested that we try it for about 3 weeks!

How’s your vision? Want to give it a go? Here you go, drop something in the comments; so we know you found it. Make sure to stop by and see me next week, let’s celebrate Friendsgiving, and have a conversation.

With Love,

💋NR (Facebook & Instagram)

And as always, please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW and SHARE us on Instagram and Facebook

I want to give a special thanks to Jackson Hunter, for helping me out.

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Picture of Norma Ramirez

Norma Ramirez

Norma Ramirez is a marketing and media relations assistant at Glow Stream TV.

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2 Responses

  1. I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I do not know who you are but certainly you’re going to a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers!

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