There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. ~Proverbs 18:24

During this last leg of my recovery journey, as I step into a new season, God has really taught me the importance of being a good friend. Whether you’re in recovery or not, it’s crucial to surround yourself with good company. With the 2023 NFL draft just passing and the beginning of a new Glow Girl season coming, I thought it would be a good idea to revisit something I shared with you during the first seasons of The Recovery Glow Up—the importance of a good team! If you recall, I shared my thoughts on choosing your team wisely, now let’s shift our attention back to that subject and take a look inward.

Grab a notebook, or bookmark this post because I’m about to take you back to school and share my thoughts on being a team player. You need a friend to fan your flame, not to add fuel to the fire, and as cliché as it may sound to have that kind of friend, you also need to be that kind of friend. You need a friend that you can vent to, not with the intention of gossiping but because you’re seeking counsel and guidance. The type of friend that wants to see you succeed.

Help carry each other’s burdens. In this way you will follow Christ’s teachings. ~Galatians 6:2

You need a friend that’s not too prideful to pick up the phone after you’ve had a conversation and apologize if they did something wrong, like being insincere or, perhaps, not taking your feelings into account or even putting themselves in your kicks 👟. In order to have that kind of friend, you need to be that kind of friend. Do you see where I’m going here, babe?

You need a humble friend who will humble themselves before the Lord and before you if need be. The type of friend that pokes fun at your shortcomings and has brought theirs to the table so you know you’re not alone. But in order to have that kind of friend… you guessed it: you gotta be that kind of friend.

So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing. ~1 Thessalonians 5:11

You need a friend that’s willing to lend you a helping hand. Type of friend that’ll reach out to you when they know you’re in need. They don’t just offer to help in passing. They show up with their game face on, ready to assist in whatever way they can. But in order to have franchise players on your side, you must also be willing to play the game and be a franchise player type of friend.

Not only do you need a friend who’s gonna believe in you, as well as a friend who’s gonna believe for you because, let’s be honest, we all have those days we have a hard time believing in ourselves. The type of friend that sees treasures in you that you’re unaware of. Be this kind of friend, and I can guarantee God will bless you with these types of friends.

I hope our little chat sparked something in you, sis. Make sure to stop by soon. I’m looking forward to sharing some thoughts on perspective. Until then, check out some of my past faves listed below. And as always, please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE, FOLLOW, and SHARE Glow Stream TV on Instagram and Facebook.

💋 NR (follow me on Facebook & Instagram)


Without Vision

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The Lost Boys

Picture of Norma Ramirez

Norma Ramirez

Norma Ramirez is a marketing and media relations assistant at Glow Stream TV.

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