Glow Stream TV

Norma Ramirez

Norma Ramirez is a marketing and media relations assistant at Glow Stream TV.
recovery glow up norma ramirez creatively speaking


“If someone else’s reaction seems out of proportion to the situation, it usually means that something else was triggered.” ~Dr. Laura Fogel Triggered is a

recovery glow up norma ramirez creatively speaking

Creatively Speaking

Creatively speaking, have you ever come across something so good online that you felt compelled to share it? Then, as you’re posting it, you… Read more >>

recovery glow up norma ramirez once lost boys

The Lost Boys

I don’t know when I became “the Wendy” of the Peter Pan story that is my real life, but apparently, I am. Wendy’s unfulfilled ambition

recovery glow up norma ramirez once upon a time

Once Upon a Time…

I never dreamed of being rescued. My favorite tales always took place in lands far, far away. My latest adventures have brought me to a point that I’ve never been to before, a “point of realization.” How I got to that point will remain a secret that you’ll have to come back next week to hear.

recovery home of grace

Home of Grace

Reluctantly, I let the girls from the Home of Grace sign my journal. Honestly, it just seemed kind of lame. We were in treatment, not high school,

recovery glow up norma ramirez friendship

With Friends Like These

I have found friendships, love, and even valuable life lessons in some of the most unlikely of places and with…

recovery glow up norma ramirez and just like that

And Just Like That…

And just like that, my mom was proven wrong! One day I was hanging out with my mom, and she randomly blurted out, “you can’t get a man…

recovery glow up norma ramirez again


If you’ve read any of my past blogs, then you know that I’m far from perfect. If this is your first time reading any of

recovery glow up norma ramirez

Thirsty Again

I’m thirsty again! “How can I be so thirsty today when I drank so much last night?” A question I asked myself a million times